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Wallsend Wetland

Wetland Planting, Wallsend

This planting reinstated full structure wetland vegetation around a very important freshwater wetland. Greater Bank donated 2,500 trees!

Wallsend Wetland

Wallsend Wetlands Status: COMPLETED

Located on the edge of Wallsend and home to many local and migratory bird species, this wetland is a big drawcard for local birdwatchers. Revegetation has further enhanced this location for both aquatic and terrestrial native animals.

Planting date: November 2020

Find out more about our planting partner

City of Newcastle

The City of Newcastle is committed to sustaining and enhancing our urban forest across the city for current and future generations. Urban forest keeps our city cool, absorbs and stores carbon, provides food and shelter for wildlife and keeps our air and water clean. It creates a healthy environment for us to live in and adds character and beauty to our city.