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Maclure Reserve planting

Maclure Reserve, Jesmond

This planting included a mixture of trees, native grasses and low growing groundcovers. Greater Bank have donated 3,000 trees!

Maclure Reserve planting

Project Status: COMPLETED

Maclure Reserve Planting.jpg

New vegetation not only created a cooler, more appealing space for the community but also treats stormwater runoff into the nearby Hunter Water channel. New trees and grasses were arranged as island plantings above the floodplain of the watercourse to complement a future dog park and cycleway running through the park.

Planting dates: To be completed by April, 2021

Find out more about our planting partner:

City of Newcastle

The City of Newcastle is committed to sustaining and enhancing our urban forest across the city for current and future generations. Urban forest keeps our city cool, absorbs and stores carbon, provides food and shelter for wildlife and keeps our air and water clean. It creates a healthy environment for us to live in and adds character and beauty to our city.