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Luskintyre wildlife corridors

The aim of this project was to work with landholders in the Luskintyre Landcare Group to regenerate the riparian zone of the Hunter River, create wildlife corridors and stepping stones to enhance biodiversity across the landscape. Greater Bank donated 4,000 trees!


Planting Status: COMPLETED

Landcare members planted out sections of their land to create native habitat corridors with the focus on the drainage channels and riparian areas which will connect to the Hunter River and ultimately the remnant vegetation to the north and east. This area will be extended over the coming years to continue to expand the habitat corridor.

Sample species to be planted include Casuarina cunninghamiana, Lomandra longifolia, Eucalytpus tereticornis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus molucanna and Gahnia clarkei.

Planting dates: 30th March, 2021.

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