New equipment is now within reach for Dubbo’s Ignite Gymnastics Club after winning the June round of Greater Bank’s #Greater Central West Community Funding Program.
The three-time Gymnastic NSW Small Club of the Year took out the public vote and with it $2,000, ahead of runners-up, Perthville Development Group and Friends of Orange Botanic Gardens, each receiving $500.
Ignite Gymnastics Club is a not-for-profit that currently provides non-competitive and competitive classes for members aged from one to 57 years. They also deliver programs to schools in Western NSW.
Like so many other community and sporting groups, Ignite Gymnastics Club took a financial hit during COVID and are still getting back on their feet. This resulted in expenses such as updating equipment being put on hold.
Secretary, Karen Lincoln, said the funding from Greater Bank provides some welcome financial support.
“COVID was tough for our club. We put a hold on fees during this period as a way of supporting our members but we still had costs to cover. It also meant those ‘nice to haves’ were put on hold,” Karen said.
It’s been a struggle but we are getting there slowly. This money from Greater Bank will not only take some pressure off the immediate need to fundraise, but it also means we can finally purchase some much need equipment such as new crash mats.
Karen Lincoln, Ignite Gymnastics Secretary.
“We have a wonderful group of dedicated coaches who support 150-strong members, and now this equipment upgrade will help us further to deliver the best programs to our members.”

Greater Bank’s Central West Regional Sales Manager, Will Boyd, said gymnastics is a terrific sport for people of all ages.
“The strength, balance and flexibility that gymnastics develops are skills that stand you in good stead for all sorts of other sports and activities, as well as in daily life,” Will said.
“Especially as people get older, balance in particular is very important, so we are pleased to support Ignite in its mission to grow participation rates in gymnastics.”
The July round of the program has another $3,000 to be shared among our monthly nominees, who are Dubbo Devils u10 Boys, Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids and Bathurst-based Piano+.
Voting is open online from 9.00am Monday 3 July until 5.00pm Wednesday 26 July, 2023 at greater.com.au/greatercentralwest, which is also where community groups can register their interest in being part of the program.