Most popular questions
The Greater Bank BSB Number is 637-000.
Greater Bank customers are able to change their address or contact details via our app, online banking, over the phone, or in branch.
It's important to remember, if you update your contact details (mobile number or email address) with us, this change will not affect any existing PayIDs you have set up for your individual Greater Bank accounts.
Checking the balance of your Greater Bank account can be done in a number of ways.
- If you’ve downloaded Greater Bank’s app, and have Quick Balance enabled on the account in question, you can check your balance simply by swiping right on our app home screen.
- If you’ve got our mobile app but don’t have quick balance enabled, simply login using 4-digit access code or your username and password to check your balance from the accounts screen
- If you’re an online Banking customer, simply login to your account and check your balance from the account screen
- You can also visit your nearest Greater Bank or third party ATM to check your balance
- Of course, you’re also able to visit your local branch or call our Contact Centre during their hours of operation (Monday to Friday 8.00am - 6:00pm and Saturday 8.00am - 1.00pm) on 13 13 86 to check your balance as well.
Yes, you can change your PIN via Greater Bank's mobile app, online banking or ATM network by selecting the PIN Change option.
Changing via the app
If changing your PIN via the mobile app, select ‘More’ > ‘Services’ > ‘Card Management’. If changing your PIN via a desktop/browser, select the ‘Card Management’ option from the menu on the left.
Changing via an ATM
If changing your PIN via the ATM Network you must know your current PIN to be able to change it.
You should ensure that only you know your PIN and be mindful when choosing a new PIN. i.e. avoid a PIN that contains repeating digits such as 9999, or digits in a sequence such as 1234 or numbers that represent information others may know about you such as birthday, year of birth or address.
The easiest way to access your statement is through our app or online banking.
- Go to Manage > Accounts > Statements
Online banking
- Log on to online banking and click on ‘Manage’ on the left of screen if accessing online banking via a desktop/browser and navigating down to Accounts and select ‘Statements’.
Next, select the required account and then select the year you are wanting the statement from.
Then, click ‘view’ on the right of screen next to the required statement to access a PDF version. You can now save or print this file for use.
You can also view Financial Year Interest information by selecting the required account from the home screen and then selecting ‘Details’.
Alternatively, you can call 13 13 86 and request a statement be mailed to you at any time (a fee may apply).
If you’re heading abroad, letting us know is easy, and can be done in a number of ways.
The key reason for doing this is so that your travel plans don’t get interrupted by not having access to your money. Our fraud and security monitoring may pick up transactions in a foreign location that don’t match your usual spending habits, and inadvertently put a hold on your accounts.
Here’s how to let us know ahead of time of your travel plans:
Online. Simply log into our app or online banking, and head to Manage > Security & access > Overseas trave notification. We’ll ask for the dates you intend tom travel, which countries you’ll be headed to, and which of your cards you intend to use while away.
Over the phone. Give us a call on 13 13 86, and let one of our friendly staff know of your travel plans.
In branch. Pop into your closest Greater Bank branch and have a quick chat with our team about your upcoming holiday itinerary.
While overseas, should you have any issues at all accessing your money, get in touch with us as soon as possible via your contact method of choice.
We know that scammers may strike at any time, so here’s how to get in touch with us if you discover suspicious activity relating to your cards or accounts outside of business hours:
As soon as you notice something suspicious, email our Fraud and Security team at Be sure to include information about the type of activity you’ve noticed and the best contact method we can use to reach out to you to assist.
Our Fraud inbox is monitored around the clock, so rest assured that a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible to help.
Log into your mobile banking app or online banking
If accessing online banking through desktop/browser, click on ‘Manage’ from the left hand side menu, then navigate down to 'Accounts' and select ‘Rename account’.
If using our mobile app, in the bottom menu bar select 'Manage' > 'Accounts' > 'Rename account.'
- Select the account you wish to rename from the drop down.
- Using the 'Account Name' box, type in what you would like to name your account.
- Click 'Rename Account' to confirm.