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Questions and answers

Most popular questions

The Greater Bank BSB Number is 637-000.

Greater Bank customers are able to change their address or contact details via our app, online banking, over the phone, or in branch.

It's important to remember, if you update your contact details (mobile number or email address) with us, this change will not affect any existing PayIDs you have set up for your individual Greater Bank accounts.

Checking the balance of your Greater Bank account can be done in a number of ways.

  • If you’ve downloaded Greater Bank’s app, and have Quick Balance enabled on the account in question, you can check your balance simply by swiping right on our app home screen.
  • If you’ve got our mobile app but don’t have quick balance enabled, simply login using 4-digit access code or your username and password to check your balance from the accounts screen
  • If you’re an online Banking customer, simply login to your account and check your balance from the account screen
  • You can also visit your nearest Greater Bank or third party ATM to check your balance
  • Of course, you’re also able to visit your local branch or call our Contact Centre during their hours of operation (Monday to Friday 8.00am - 6:00pm and Saturday 8.00am - 1.00pm) on 13 13 86 to check your balance as well.

Yes, you can change your PIN via Greater Bank's mobile app, online banking or ATM network by selecting the PIN Change option.

Changing via the app

If changing your PIN via the mobile app, select ‘More’ > ‘Services’ > ‘Card Management’. If changing your PIN via a desktop/browser, select the ‘Card Management’ option from the menu on the left.

Changing via an ATM

If changing your PIN via the ATM Network you must know your current PIN to be able to change it.

You should ensure that only you know your PIN and be mindful when choosing a new PIN. i.e. avoid a PIN that contains repeating digits such as 9999, or digits in a sequence such as 1234 or numbers that represent information others may know about you such as birthday, year of birth or address.

The easiest way to access your statement is through our app or online banking.


  • Go to Manage > Accounts > Statements

Online banking

  • Log on to online banking and click on ‘Manage’ on the left of screen if accessing online banking via a desktop/browser and navigating down to Accounts and select ‘Statements’. 

Next, select the required account and then select the year you are wanting the statement from.

Then, click ‘view’ on the right of screen next to the required statement to access a PDF version. You can now save or print this file for use.

You can also view Financial Year Interest information by selecting the required account from the home screen and then selecting ‘Details’.

Alternatively, you can call 13 13 86 and request a statement be mailed to you at any time (a fee may apply).

If you’re heading abroad, letting us know is easy, and can be done in a number of ways.

The key reason for doing this is so that your travel plans don’t get interrupted by not having access to your money. Our fraud and security monitoring may pick up transactions in a foreign location that don’t match your usual spending habits, and inadvertently put a hold on your accounts.

Here’s how to let us know ahead of time of your travel plans:

  1. Online. Simply log into our app or online banking, and head to Manage > Security & access > Overseas trave notification. We’ll ask for the dates you intend tom travel, which countries you’ll be headed to, and which of your cards you intend to use while away.

  2. Over the phone. Give us a call on 13 13 86, and let one of our friendly staff know of your travel plans.

  3. In branch. Pop into your closest Greater Bank branch and have a quick chat with our team about your upcoming holiday itinerary.

While overseas, should you have any issues at all accessing your money, get in touch with us as soon as possible via your contact method of choice.

We know that scammers may strike at any time, so here’s how to get in touch with us if you discover suspicious activity relating to your cards or accounts outside of business hours:

As soon as you notice something suspicious, email our Fraud and Security team at Be sure to include information about the type of activity you’ve noticed and the best contact method we can use to reach out to you to assist.

Our Fraud inbox is monitored around the clock, so rest assured that a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible to help.

Log into your mobile banking app or online banking

If accessing online banking through desktop/browser, click on ‘Manage’ from the left hand side menu, then navigate down to 'Accounts' and select ‘Rename account’.

If using our mobile app, in the bottom menu bar select 'Manage' > 'Accounts' > 'Rename account.'

  • Select the account you wish to rename from the drop down.
  • Using the 'Account Name' box, type in what you would like to name your account.
  • Click 'Rename Account' to confirm.

Banking questions


The Greater Bank BSB Number is 637-000.

The Financial Claims Scheme (FCS) is an Australian Government scheme that provides protection and quick access to deposits in banks, building societies and credit unions in the unlikely event that one of these financial institutions fails.

Under the FCS, certain deposits are protected up to a limit of $250,000 for each account holder at any bank, building society, credit union or other authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI) that is incorporated in Australia and authorised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).

The FCS can only come into effect if it is activated by the Australian Government when an institution fails. Once activated, the FCS will be administered by APRA.

In an FCS scenario, APRA would aim to pay the majority of customers their protected deposits under the Scheme within seven calendar days.

The FCS limit of $250,000 applies to the sum of an account holder's deposits under one ADI.

Therefore, all deposits held by an account holder with a single ADI must be added together towards the $250,000 FCS limit, and this includes accounts with any other banking businesses that the ADI may operate under a different trading name.

Greater Bank and Newcastle Permanent are both parts of Newcastle Greater Mutual Group Ltd, a single ADI. Therefore, a single $250,000 limit will apply to the aggregate balance of any eligible accounts held across Greater Bank and Newcastle Permanent.

Information on the FCS is available at

Opening and closing accounts


At Greater Bank, we're required by law to fully verify your identity before opening an account in your name, and unless this process is completed, we may be prohibited from providing you with the services you're after.

We may also be required to periodically collect additional ID verification from you from time to time, this can include requests for physical documents (not digital versions).

To verify your identity, and that you are who you are, we'll need one or a combination of the following documents which show your full name, not initials.

If the document has an expiry date, it must be current. (It's important to note that an Australian Passport can be expired but not cancelled within the preceding two years).


Primary Photographic (Category 1)
  • A current driver’s licence or learner’s permit issued by an Australian State or Territory Government agency*
  • A current proof of age card issued by an Australian State or Territory Government agency*
  • A current Australian passport or an Australian passport which has expired within the preceding 2 years
  • A current ImmiCard issued by the Australian Government


Where the documents marked with * only contain a middle initial, another document from category 1 OR category 2 OR category 3 showing FULL NAME (NOT INITIALS) will also be required.


You may select one category 2 and one category 3.


  Australian Foreign
Primary Non-Photographic Identification Documents
Category 2
  • A birth certificate (or extract) issued by an Australian State or Territory Government agency
  • A citizenship certificate issued by the Australian Government
  • Certificate of registration by descent issued by the Australian Government
  • Centrelink pension card
  • A current Department of Veterans’ Affairs pension concession card
  • Centrelink health card
  • A birth certificate issued by a foreign government or foreign government agency




  Australian Foreign
Secondary Identification Documents
Category 3
  • A notice issued by the Australian Government or a State or Territory Government (or an Australian, State or Territory government agency) within the preceding 12 months that includes the person’s name and residential address and records the provision of a financial benefit (for example, a notice of Centrelink benefits)
  • A notice issued by the Australian Taxation Office within the preceding 12 months that includes the person’s name and residential address and records a debt payable to or by the person (for example, a notice of assessment).
  • A utilities notice issued by a local government or a utilities provider within the preceding 3 months which includes the person’s name and residential address and shows that a service has been provided to that address
  • A current Medicare Card
  • A marriage certificate issued by an Australian State or Territory Government agency
  • A change of name certificate issued by an Australian State or Territory Government agency
  • A current card or licence issued by an Australian, State or Territory Government or agency for the purposes of identification (for example, a firearms’ licence)
  • A current residential lease agreement
  • A current identification card issued to a student of a higher education institution or TAFE which contains a photograph and signature of the person
  • AEC – only to be used to verify middle name and not as a category 3 document
  • A current foreign driver’s licence issued by a foreign government or foreign government agency that does NOT contain a photograph




  Australian Foreign
Category 4
Child under 18
  • A current Australian passport or an Australian passport which has expired within the preceding 2 years
  • A current ImmiCard issued by the Australian Government
  • A birth certificate (or extract) issued by an Australian State or Territory Government agency
  • A citizenship certificate issued by the Australian Government
  • Certificate of registration by descent issued by the Australian Government
  • If the person is under the age of 18 years, a notice issued by the principal of a school within the preceding 3 months which includes the person’s name, residential address and period of school attendance
  • A birth certificate issued by a foreign government or foreign government agency



For entities other than natural persons to open an account with Greater Bank, we'll require the following identification documents (in addition to identification for all associated individuals):


Type of Entity Verification of identity guidelines
Sole Trader Accounts


Current original/certified copy of photo identification for each individual:

  • Sole Trader
  • Authorised signatory

For sole traders who have a business name:

  • Current valid registration status with ASIC. Our staff will be able to verify this on your behalf using ASIC's online registers
Company Accounts


Current original/certified copy of photo identification for each individual:

  • Company director signing on the account
  • Person who owns 25% or more company shares*
  • Authorised signatory

* For proprietary limited companies (Pty Ltd) only

Current original/certified copy of one of the following for the applicant company:

  • A full current company search obtained from ASIC or other related database
  • A company statement issued by ASIC within the previous 12 months
  • A completed Form 201 for companies registered less than 3 months ago

For companies who own 25% or more shares in the applicant company, we require one of the following:

  • A full current company search obtained from ASIC or other related database for all
  • A company statement issued by ASIC within the previous 12 months
Association Accounts


Current original/certified copy of photo identification for each current individual:

  • President/Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Office bearer signing on the account
  • Authorised signatory

Meeting minutes for the association with these minimum requirements:

  • Date of the meeting (less than 12 months old)
  • The full association name*
  • The first and last legal name of the current President/Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer for the association

* This will need to match the name registered with the governing body where applicable

For incorporated associations,
co-operatives and charities:

  • Current valid registration status with relevant state governing body. Our staff will be able to verify this on your behalf using the governing body's online register.
Strata Accounts


Current original/certified copy of photo identification for each current individual:

  • Executive/Strata committee member
  • Managing Agent representative
  • Authorised Signatory

Meeting minutes for the strata with these
minimum requirements:

  • Date of the meeting (less than 12 months old)
  • The Full Strata Name*
  • The first and last legal name of each Executive Committee Member (minimum 2 individuals)

* This name will need to match the name registered with the relevant state governing body

For New Accounts:

  • Strata Plan (which includes certificate of title and floor plan)
Trust Accounts


Current original/certified copy of photo identification for each individual:

  • Appointor/Principal
  • Individual Trustee
  • Director/s of a Trustee Company
  • Trustee company shareholder with 25% or more shares
  • Authorised Signatory

Current original/certified copy of the trust deed which contains:

  • All pages of the document
  • A signed and dated execution page*
  • The governing rules for the trust

*For digitally executed deeds we may require additional documentation

Current original/certified copy of one of the following for the trustee company:

  • A full current company statement obtained from ASIC or other related database
  • A current company statement issued by ASIC within the previous 12 months

Certified copies or original deed/s of variant or amendment which contain:

  • All pages of the document/s
  • Details of the variation/amendment
  • A signed and dated execution page
  • The governing rules for the trust deed


Got Any Questions?

If you have any questions please speak with our friendly branch staff or call our Contact Centre on 13 13 86.

For some products and services, Greater Bank will require verification of identification.

In these instances, we may ask you to provide us with certified copies of identification.

If this is the case, the following requirements must be satisfied:

  • Certified copies of previously certified copies will not be accepted. A properly certified copy of the original document must be provided.
  • The person certifying the document must have sighted the original document/s
  • To certify a document, the authorised certifier is required to write or stamp on the document:
For a single page document

‘This is a certified true copy of the original as sighted by me'

For a document with more than one page-

On the first page: 'I certify this and the following [number of pages]pages to be a true copy of the original as sighted by me' and Initial all other pages.

The certifier must also write or stamp on the copy:

  • The date; and
  • The signature of the person certifying the document; and
  • The full name, occupation and contact number of the person certifying the document (this should be clearly printed or evident in any official stamp that is used); and
  • Where relevant, the registration number of the person certifying the document (for example a Justice of the Peace must include their registration number when certifying a document); and
  • Their address (optional).

NOTE: a certified copy is not a photocopy of a previously certified document. The original document must be sighted and certified as a true copy of the original.

Download our helpful Certification of Documents Customer Guide below.

The prescribed listing of persons and the legal requirements are available on the Federal Register of Legislation website.

You can check this register to ensure the occupation listed meets certification requirements.

If any of these requirements are not met, the certified copy CANNOT be accepted.

To close a Greater Bank account, all you need to do is give our Contact Centre a call during their hours of operation on 13 13 86 (Monday to Friday 8.00am - 6:00pm and Saturday 8.00am - 1.00pm) and a friendly member of staff can help with the account in question.


Checking the balance of your Greater Bank account can be done in a number of ways.

  • If you’ve downloaded Greater Bank’s app, and have Quick Balance enabled on the account in question, you can check your balance simply by swiping right on our app home screen.
  • If you’ve got our mobile app but don’t have quick balance enabled, simply login using 4-digit access code or your username and password to check your balance from the accounts screen
  • If you’re an online Banking customer, simply login to your account and check your balance from the account screen
  • You can also visit your nearest Greater Bank or third party ATM to check your balance
  • Of course, you’re also able to visit your local branch or call our Contact Centre during their hours of operation (Monday to Friday 8.00am - 6:00pm and Saturday 8.00am - 1.00pm) on 13 13 86 to check your balance as well.

Accessing your account


Yes - Greater Bank customers are able to redraw extra repayments on their Home Loans in a number of ways.

Not registered for online banking?

If you are not registered for online banking, you can download a Redraw Application Form here.

Simply complete this form and drop it into your nearest branch (please note, a fee may apply for any redraws processed this way).

Registered for online banking?

If you are registered for online banking, you can logon to apply for a redraw following the below steps:

  • Click ‘Transfer between Accounts’ in the left hand menu if accessing online banking via a desktop/browser or at the bottom of the page if using our mobile banking app.
  • Select your Home Loan as the account to transfer money from (you must have a balance above $0 to redraw on your loan)
  • Select an account to transfer money to, along with the amount, a description and whether you want to process now or later. Click continue.
  • You will be asked to read a short disclaimer - make sure you read and understand this before hitting accept.
  • If you're the sole individual named on the loan - you're all done!
  • If there are other names on the loan, they may need to also authorise the redraw. An authorisation notification will be sent to the other parties via online banking if required. All they need to do is click 'Authorisations' in the left hand column and proceed with the authorisation to complete the redraw. If using online banking via desktop browser, select ‘Transfer’ from the side menu on the left.

Want to know how much cash you can withdraw over the counter or at a Greater Bank ATM? 

  • The daily limit for ATM or eftpos transactions is $1,500.00.
  • The daily limit for over the counter withdrawals at Greater Bank branches is $2,500.00.
  • The daily limit for Osko by BPAYⓇ transactions via Online Banking is $5,000.00.
  • The daily limit for card purchases (eftpos & Visa) is $10,000.00 per card.
  • $25,000.00 is the daily Online Banking withdrawal limit per customer.

The easiest way to access your statement is through our app or online banking.


  • Go to Manage > Accounts > Statements

Online banking

  • Log on to online banking and click on ‘Manage’ on the left of screen if accessing online banking via a desktop/browser and navigating down to Accounts and select ‘Statements’. 

Next, select the required account and then select the year you are wanting the statement from.

Then, click ‘view’ on the right of screen next to the required statement to access a PDF version. You can now save or print this file for use.

You can also view Financial Year Interest information by selecting the required account from the home screen and then selecting ‘Details’.

Alternatively, you can call 13 13 86 and request a statement be mailed to you at any time (a fee may apply).

Card questions


Getting started

Activating your Greater Bank Card is easy and can be done in a number of ways.

Mobile app or online banking
  • Simply log on to online banking or your app.
  • Click on 'Manage'. For online banking this will be in the left-hand side of screen, for the app it will be located in the bottom menu bar.
  • Click 'Cards' under the 'Manage Cards' heading.
  • Follow the prompts.

Drop into your nearest branch

We order and post physical cards to our customers every business day. We are dependant on postal services, so please allow up to 10 business days for your physical card to arrive.

Card issues

If you have a new card you need to activate the ‘contactless’ feature by performing a docked and PIN transaction.

This can be at an ATM or at a retailer's terminal.

If you don't remember your PIN, you are able to change your PIN through the mobile app or online banking under card management.

Alternatively you are able to order one via our Contact Centre (on 13 13 86) or by contacting your local branch. The PIN will be mailed to you within 7 days.

Merchants in the United States of America (USA) including Hawaii, are currently in the process of updating their eftpos terminals to be EMV compliant - this is so terminals will work with both Chip and PIN enabled cards.

Greater Bank customers may have difficulties when in the US using eftpos terminals that have not yet been converted, and still rely on the use of card magnetic strips and signature (swipe and sign).

This is due to the fact that Greater Bank has noticed an increase in the incidence of counterfeit card fraud at such terminals.

If caught overseas

If you are caught overseas and are having issues accessing your funds, you can contact us via Online Banking or by using our international number (+61 2 4921 9111) within our business hours for assistance.

If your card is looking a little worse for wear, you need to get in touch with Greater Bank as soon as possible to organise a replacement.

  • If you are registered for online banking, you can arrange a replacement card via the ‘Card Management’ option
  • Call our Contact Centre on 13 13 86 (Monday to Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm and Saturday 8:00am – 1:00pm)
  • Alternatively, drop into your nearest branch

If your Greater Bank Credit Card or Debit Card has been lost or stolen, here's how we can help.

If you're all set up with our Mobile App or Online Banking:

You can place a lock on your card immediately, which we recommend.

  • Just log in and tap 'Services', then tap 'Card Management' if using the mobile app or ‘Card Management’ from the menu on the left if logging in using a desktop/browser.
  • Touch the drop-down menu next to the account in question, and then tap 'Temporarily lock card'.

It's then still a good idea to get in touch with us, which you can do via your method of choice.

If you are not registered for Mobile App or Online Banking
  • Please call 13 13 86 Mon-Fri 8:00am to 6:00pm and Sat 8:00am to 1:00pm, OR
  • Drop into your nearest branch during opening hours
  • Alternatively, you can contact us after hours on 1300 731 144.


Greater Bank may be able to assist with Direct Debit Disputes in certain circumstances.

If you have any questions, or a dispute arises please contact us on 13 13 86 or by sending us a secure email within Online Banking.

Direct debits processed using a BSB and Account Number can be cancelled at any time by:

  • phoning us on 13 13 86,
  • by sending us a secure mail within online banking,
  • visiting any branch OR
  • by completing a Direct Debit Cancellation Request and forwarding it to our Payment Processing Department fax on (02) 4921 9106.

They can also be cancelled by contacting the debitor directly.

A direct debit processed using a Visa debit or credit card can be cancelled by contacting us on 13 13 86, by sending us a secure mail within online banking or by visiting any branch. The cancellation of this type of direct debit will require a new card and PIN to be ordered on your behalf.

If you’ve found a card which you had previously reported as lost, firstly – that’s great luck!

In terms of your next steps, it’s as easy as letting us know via your method of choice that your card is back in safe hands

  • If you have used our mobile app to lock your card, you can simply log back into the app and unlock the card and continue to use it.
  • If you have reported the card lost via another method (over the phone, in branch or via secure mail within online banking) simply give us a call on 13 13 86 to report it found

If you’ve already ordered a new card after reporting one lost, you may have to wait until your new card arrives in order to continue making eftpos and ATM transactions.

Using your card

You can pay your credit card via Online/Phone banking, setting up an EasyPay payment, via BPAY® or in person via any of our branches.

Remember, payments like BPAY® and transfers from non-Greater Bank accounts may take a few days to process.

If you do pay your statement balance in full each month, you must do so by the statement due date to continue to be eligible for your interest free period.

If you don’t pay your statement balance in full, you need to pay at least your minimum payment by the due date.

It’s important that you do so to avoid any late payment fees. Your statement will show you what this amount is, as well as how long it will take to pay your credit card off by only paying the minimum payment.

To make the most of your credit card it’s advisable to pay more than the minimum payment each month or over time you will incur further interest and it will take you longer to pay off this debt.

Each merchant is different and can use one or more of these companies to process transactions.

You won’t know until the transaction appears on your statement.

The regulations in place at present allow the merchant to choose the cheapest cost for themselves to complete the transaction.

Some eftpos transactions are appearing as cash withdrawal.

We are in the process of rectifying this issue so the transactions will appear as eftpos Wdl.

To clarify if the transaction was a cash withdrawal or eftpos withdrawal simply contact your local branch or the Contact Centre on 13 13 86.

Yes, you can change your PIN via Greater Bank's mobile app, online banking or ATM network by selecting the PIN Change option.

If changing your PIN via the ATM Network you must know your current PIN to be able to change it.

You should ensure that only you know your PIN and be mindful when choosing a new PIN. i.e. avoid a PIN that contains repeating digits such as 9999, or digits in a sequence such as 1234 or numbers that represent information others may know about you such as birthday, year of birth or address.

You can use your Greater Bank Visa Debit card at any Greater Bank ATMs, Newcastle Permanent and any of the big 4 banks for free^

Some independent ATMs may charge a fee, but will always ask you to accept this charge before completing the transaction.

^ANZ, NAB, Commonwealth Bank or Westpac ATMs across Australia.

The daily ATM withdrawal limit for Greater Bank cards is $1,500 per day, per card.

It's best to keep in mind that eftpos withdrawals are included in the daily withdrawal limit, unless you select Credit or use Visa payWave.

You can use your card at ATM or eftpos machines at any financial institution throughout Australia and any location where VISA is accepted worldwide.1

1 Direct Charging fees may apply.

You can apply for a limit increase in a number of ways:

  • You can apply through online banking if you are already a registered online banking user.
  • You can also visit any Greater Bank branch and our staff will be able to assist.

Setting up direct debit, or scheduled payments is easy using Greater Bank’s online banking.

Direct Debit can be set up in a number of ways – through both the BPAYⓇ and Transfer Money sections of online banking.

Transfer Money
  • Login and select ‘Transfer Money’ on the left of screen
  • Enter whether sending money between accounts or to a third party, which account funds will be drawn from, the desired amount, a description, and select ‘Later’ for the payment timing
  • You can now enter a start date for payments, frequency and how long you want payments to occur for.
  • Login and select ‘BPAY’ on the left of screen
  • Enter the account to draw funds from and select a biller from the drop down list, or alternatively you can enter a new biller’s details and save them for later. Select ‘Later for the payment timing
  • You can now enter a start date for payments, frequency and how long you want payments to occur for

Once these details have been entered, your Scheduled Payment will take place at the requested interval.

To view all Scheduled Payments, and to edit or delete Scheduled Payments, follow the steps below:

Deleting a Scheduled Payment
  • To delete a 'Scheduled Payment', click on the transaction link located under the column headed 'Transactions' for that transaction. Click on the 'Delete' button. A prompt will display allowing you to confirm the deletion.
Editing a Scheduled Payment
  • You can edit the Amount, Description and Schedule details of a 'Scheduled Transaction'. If you want to change where the transaction is being paid from or where it is being paid to, you will need to create a new transaction from the 'Transfer Money or BPAY® panels'.
  • Clicking on the "Cancel" button in the 'Edit Transaction Details' page will cancel the changes you have made to the 'Scheduled Transaction'. (Important - It will not cancel the 'Scheduled Transaction' you have listed. To cancel a 'Scheduled Payment' you will need to delete it using the "Delete" button. You cannot add a new 'Scheduled Payment' from this page. Use either the 'Transfer Money or BPAY® panel to do this.)

Not registered for online banking? It’s a simple registration process, makes banking easier and best of all – it’s free! Simply phone 13 13 86 or visit your nearest branch to register today!

Greater Bank’s award-winning personal and business credit cards have a low rate but are still big on features.

You can apply for a Greater Bank Credit Card in a number of ways:

  • If you are registered for Online Banking, simply login to apply now
  • If you are not registered for Online Banking, use our handy website form to Apply Online Now

Did you know you can apply for a Credit Card with Greater Bank online?

Existing customers are able to apply through Online Banking.

New customers can apply online with our handy website form.

New customers applying for a Credit Card with Greater Bank will need the following information handy:

  • Your current and previous employer details including name, address and contact number;
  • If you are self employed, we will need your Notice of Assessments from the ATO for the previous two years;
  • What you earn along with two current payslips;
  • Any current loan and other repayments, any credit and store card limits and the value of your assets;
  • A copy of your current photo identification. This can be your driver licence, passport, photo card, birth card or national identity card (Any additional cardholders will also need to provide photo identification);
  • If you require a balance transfer we will need your latest credit card statement so we can arrange a transfer as soon as your card is activated.

Each card is issued with an expiry date.

It is important to know that you will not be able to use your card after the expiry date.

At Greater Bank our cards have approximately 4 year term.

You will receive a replacement card the month before it expires.

Your replacement card will be sent to your address and you will need to activate the card when you receive it.

Your existing PIN number will work with your new replacement card.

The only change will be to the card number and the expiry date.

The expiry date is also used if you have a recurring Visa debit set up (such as a monthly Netflix or Spotify subscription) so you will need to notify anyone who might have your card on file.

You can add an additional cardholder to your account as part of your credit card application or by completing an additional cardholder form once your credit card has been approved.

The most common reason for wanting to add an additional cardholder is so your partner or a family member can use your account.

Just remember, that as the account holder, you are financially responsible for all transactions made by an additional cardholder. The account limit will include your card and any additional card.

To cancel an additional cardholder on your account you need to complete a credit card additional cardholder cancellation request form.

When you make a purchase using your Greater Bank Visa Debit or Credit Card there are some circumstances where we can dispute a transaction for you from the merchant’s financial institution and initiate a return of funds.

This is called a chargeback. Usually, we can only do this after you have tried to get a refund from the merchant and were unsuccessful.

Notify us straight away if you believe an error or unauthorised transaction occurred.

To request a chargeback you will need to complete a form and provide us with any information we ask for to support your request.

Not following these steps may limit our ability to resolve your complaint, and you may still be liable for the transaction.

A limit is the maximum amount available to you on your card, including any interest and fees and charges.

A credit card is a type of loan. When you apply for a credit card we consider a number of factors in determining the limit we can provide, including the limit you have requested.

We will never offer you a higher limit than what you have requested but we may need to offer a smaller limit.

When we review your application and your credit history, we make a determination on the maximum limit amount along with the limit amount you have requested – then we determine the limit we can offer you on your credit card.

You can apply for an increase or request to decrease your limit at any time. You can do so visiting one of our branches, via Online Banking or our website. You can also print a credit limit decrease request form and take it into your nearest branch.

If your circumstances change or if you are having difficulty meeting your repayments then you need to let us know so we can see if there is anything we can do to assist.

Making payments


If you schedule a payment to occur on a date that is a non-business day or public holiday, including a: 

  • Pay Anyone payment
  • BPAY payment
  • Payment set up by us on your behalf
  • Batch payments (Business only)

the payment may be processed on the business day immediately before the scheduled date.

Checking your balance and scheduled payments regularly will help you to keep track of what’s coming in and out of your account. You can also check your Product Schedule for any details about how and when fees, charges and interest may apply for your account, to help you plan the timing of your scheduled payment to suit you.

If you want more information regarding your specific payment please contact 13 13 86.

For Greater Bank customers wanting to learn more about the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) ePayments code, please visit the below link on the ASIC website.

Click here for ASIC ePayments Code.

You can make a deposit to a Greater Bank account at some financial institutions (subject to the services they provide).

You need to quote our BSB Number 637-000 and your account number in 9-digit format.

The financial institution you make the deposit at will generally charge a fee for accepting your deposit.

Scheduled Payments (sometimes referred to as EasyPay) allow you to take the guess work out of your regular payments.

Within Online Banking, you’re able to create payments to other Greater Bank accounts, and to accounts with third-party financial institutions, and you’re also able to set these payments up so they’ll occur regularly according to your needs.

Here’s How it’s done:

  • Log into Online Banking or our App, click Transfer between my accounts or Pay Anyone.
  • Select the account you wish to transfer money from.
  • Select the account you wish to transfer money to.
  • Enter your amount in $AUD.
  • Select the frequency of your payment. If it’s to be a one-off, just click ‘NOW’. If you want the payment to occur later, click ‘LATER’.
  • Select whether you want to send the payment as an Osko (real time) payment or as a traditional transfer, which can take up to two business days.
  • If you want the payment to be a one off, just select the start date of your payment, and a frequency of ‘ONCE’.
  • If you want your payment to become a recurring payment, select the frequency of your payment (weekly, fortnightly, etc) and select a payment stop date (further notice or selected date)
  • Click continue

If you’re processing a payment to a payee you’ve never used before, you’ll be prompted to enter your one-time SMS password, which will be sent to the mobile phone we have on file for you. If you do not receive a code, just give us a call on 13 13 86, and we’ll help in processing your payment.

In the event your online purchase is not successful, we recommend that you contact our contact centre on 13 13 86.

Our Contact Centre team can investigate your purchase and determine what has happened and will advise you accordingly.

The way in which the transaction has processed will determine how you can dispute the transaction in question.

  • If it is an unauthorised Visa transaction, you will need to cancel your card immediately to prevent further unauthorised transactions. Your card can be cancelled via  ‘Card Management’  in Online Banking or the Mobile App, by calling our customer contact centre on 13 13 86 during our hours of operation (Monday to Friday 8.00am - 6:00pm and Saturday 8.00am - 1.00pm) or by calling 1300 731 144 outside of our customer contact centres hours of operation.
  • Please then get in touch with us via one of the above methods (apart from the after-hours number) or by sending us an email by clicking on the ‘Mail’ tab while you are logged into Online Banking and we can discuss how to dispute the transaction.

If you'd like to confirm that your payment has been processed, you can do this in a number of ways.

Firstly, you can send Greater Bank a secure mail from within online banking or our App, requesting confirmation of the payment. In your email please include the payment date and amount. 

Alternatively, you can call us on 13 13 86 during our Contact Centre hours of operation (Monday to Friday 8.00am - 6:00pm and Saturday 8.00am - 1.00pm) and a friendly staff member will assist you.

A cash advance is when you withdraw cash from your credit card Account via an ATM, at a branch or when purchasing goods if the merchant allows you to do so.

Cash advances can also be when you make online or phone payments with a merchant that doesn’t accept credit cards payments.

Your purchase will go through but these transactions will be treated like a cash sale.

Also, if you transfer from your credit card account into another account, or to another financial institution, and if you use your credit card for gambling purposes these transactions are also considered to be a cash advance.

Interest starts calculating from the day you make the withdrawal. In addition to interest, there are other fees that apply to Cash Advances. You can find the current fees in our credit card fee and charges flyer.

A balance transfer allows you to move amounts owing from one credit card to another.

You can request to transfer a nominated amount from a card you have with another provider as part of your credit card application.

Requests for balance transfers are subject to our approval and will only be accepted from a credit card issued by another Australian financial institution, unless we indicate otherwise.

You must continue to make all necessary payments to your existing credit card account with your other card provider until you receive confirmation from us that payment of the nominated balance transfer amount has been processed, and the balance transfer amount has been debited from your Greater Bank Visa Credit Card account.

The balance transfer amount is transferred by Greater Bank when you activate your card.

A balance transfer will affect the eligibility to take advantage of an interest free period.

To avoid accumulating further debt you should ensure the balance owing on your other card is paid out in full and your account is closed.

Interest starts calculating from the day the balance transfer is debited to your account.

When you use your card to pay for goods or services this is called a purchase.

This can be made by dipping, tapping it (contactless) in a store or when you purchase something online.

Your Greater Bank cards are accepted where your see the Visa symbol.

Interest on your purchases will depending on your eligibility for an interest free period and if you paid your last statement amount in full by the due date.

If you pay your account in full by the due date then you shouldn’t be charged interest on your purchases.

If your account is eligible for an interest free period then you can enjoy up to 55 days interest free on your purchases.

If you don’t pay your account in full by the statement due date then we will charge you interest on the outstanding amount from the day following the due date for payment.

If you didn’t pay your full balance by the due the date. Interest will be applied for new purchases from the purchase date.

A limit is the maximum amount available to you on your card, including any interest and fees and charges.

A credit card is a type of loan. When you apply for a credit card we consider a number of factors in determining the limit we can provide, including the limit you have requested.

We will never offer you a higher limit than what you have requested but we may need to offer a smaller limit.

When we review your application and your credit history, we make a determination on the maximum limit amount along with the limit amount you have requested – then we determine the limit we can offer you on your credit card.

You can apply for an increase or request to decrease your limit at any time.

You can do so by calling us, visiting one of our branches, via online banking, our App or our website. You can also print a credit limit decrease request form and take it into your nearest branch.

If your circumstances change or if you are having difficulty meeting your repayments then you need to let us know so we can see if there is anything we can do to assist.

We let you know your limit, in writing, when your application is approved or if you have requested a change.

You can also see your limit amount on your monthly statement.

It is on the right hand side of your statement, this also shows you the amount you currently have available to still spend up to the full limit amount.

You can pay your credit card via online banking, setting up an scheduled payment, via BPAY® or in person via any of our branches.

Remember, payments like BPAY® and transfers from non-Greater Bank accounts may take a few days to process

If you do pay your statement balance in full each month, you must do so by the statement due date to continue to be eligible for your interest free period.

If you don’t pay your statement balance in full, you need to pay at least your minimum payment by the due date.

It’s important that you do so to avoid any late payment fees. Your statement will show you what this amount is, as well as how long it will take to pay your credit card off by only paying the minimum payment.

To make the most of your credit card it’s advisable to pay more than the minimum payment each month or over time you will incur further interest and it will take you longer to pay off this debt.

To check if your disputed transaction has been resolved , you can call us on 13 13 86 during our Contact Centre hours of operation (Monday to Friday 8.00am - 6:00pm and Saturday 8.00am - 1.00pm) and a friendly staff member will be able to assist you.

Alternatively you can send Greater Bank a secure mail from within Online Banking or our App, requesting an update on your dispute.

We’ll reply via secure mail. We do also post you a letter to advise once your dispute has been resolved.

What are pending transactions?

Have you noticed a difference between your account balance and your available funds?

The difference may be due to a pending transaction.

Payments, cash withdrawals or deposits can sometimes appear as pending on your account until the transaction is fully processed.

This can cause some confusion as you may think that a payment hasn’t been successful, or you might have been charged for something twice.

Here's some information to help you understand pending transactions and the steps to raise a dispute.

How pending transactions work

When a transaction is authorised it is confirming to the merchant your card is valid and there’s money in your account to pay for what you’re buying. 

The transaction amount is then deducted from your available funds and the transaction shows as pending on your account until the payment process is complete.

The amount marked as pending is deducted from the available funds not your account balance.

If you want to know how much money you have available in your account look at your available funds.

Pending transactions generally take three to five business days to process. Some can take up to 10 business days.

Pre-authorised payments may take longer.

If you allow a merchant to use your card for pre-authorised payments, things like a security deposit for a hotel booking or car hire, expect to wait up to 7 days for your available balance to be adjusted.

In some instances we may authorise your card transaction but the merchant may not process the transaction immediately.

E.g. you order two items costing $20.00 each and the merchant asks us to authorise a $40.00 payment. This appears as a pending transaction for $40.00. The merchant completes one of the orders and processes one transaction for $20.00. You’ll see $20.00 subtracted from your account balance while the $40.00 remains pending until the second order is processed and debited from your account balance.

Direct debits

Direct debiting may not be available on the full range of customer accounts. You are responsible for:

  • making sure the account from which debits are to be made (the nominated account) is able to accept direct debits
  • ensuring cleared funds are available in the nominated account on the dates on which the debits occur
  • paying any fees charged by the financial institution with whom the nominated account is held
  • making sure that all account details provided are correct

Direct debits processed using a BSB and Account Number can be cancelled at any time by phoning us on 13 13 86, by sending us a secure mail within online banking, visiting any branch OR by completing a Direct Debit Cancellation Request and forwarding it to our Payment Processing Department fax on (02) 4921 9106.

They can also be cancelled by contacting the debitor directly.

A recurring debit processed using a Visa debit or credit card can be cancelled by contacting us on 13 13 86, by sending us a secure mail within online banking or by visiting any branch.

The cancellation of this type of direct debit will require a new card and PIN to be ordered on your behalf.

Osko® and PayID®

Osko is the latest payments innovation from the BPAY Group, transforming the way we pay each other.

Osko Payments are sent using the New Payments Platform. 

A PayID is a unique identifier, such as a mobile number, that can be linked to a bank account.

This makes it simple to send and receive money without needing to share a BSB and account number.

A PayID can be a:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)

Payments made to a PayID will be deposited into the linked account.

You now have 24/7 access to create PayIDs online via online banking.

  • Simply go to PayID Management (under Services in the mobile app)
  • Read the information provided about PayID and select > Create PayID
  • Enter your PayID and select an account to link your PayID to. You can use your mobile number, email address or ABN/ACN as PayID details.
  • You’ll be asked to review your PayID setup for verification, and will be asked to enter a verification code that will be sent to your PayID mobile number or email address

That’s it – you’ve now created a PayID and can start getting paid in real-time without needing your BSB and account number.

You can make an Osko Payment through ‘Pay Anyone’ in online banking.

You have the option to send an Osko Payment to someone’s:

  • BSB and Account Number or
  • PayID

Simple – here’s how to pay someone via an Osko payment, using their PayID.

  • Log into Greater Bank’s online banking
  • Click on ‘Pay Anyone’
  • Select a PayID from your existing list, or add your New Payee’s PayID details in the fields provided
  • Enter payment details, such as source account, amount, payment recurrence and add as an Osko payment. (Don’t forget, you can now also add a message of up to 280 characters, including emojis!)

That’s it – your payment is on its way. Told you it was simple…

Too easy – here’s how to pay someone via an Osko payment, using their BSB and Account Number.

  • Log into Greater Bank’s online banking
  • Click on ‘Pay Anyone’
  • Select a payee from your existing list, or add your New Payee’s account name, account number and BSB details in the fields provided
  • Enter payment details, such as source account, amount, payment recurrence and add as an Osko payment. (Don’t forget, you can now also add a message of up to 280 characters, including emojis!)

That’s it – you’re done. Told you it was too easy…

Yes, you can register more than one PayID.

You can have more than one PayID linked to an account, however each PayID can only be linked to one account.

For example, you may have wish to link your everyday account with your mobile number, and your savings account with your email address.

No. You can still send Osko Payments to someone’s PayID or the traditional BSB and Account Number method.

Yes, you will be able to port (transfer) your PayID to other banks.

You can do this under PayID Management (via Services in the mobile app) online. Business customers will need to call our Contact Centre on 13 13 86 to manage their PayID.

Once you opt to transfer your PayID from Greater Bank, you’ll have 14 days to complete the transfer by registering your PayID elsewhere.

While your PayID is transferable, you can still receive payments to it and they’ll be deposited into your linked account.

If you don’t register it with another financial institution within 14 days the PayID will go back to Active.

Nothing. Osko Payments can currently be made free of charge through our online banking.

Yes. The daily limit for transactions made using Osko is $5,000.00

In some cases, you may be able to send payments above this daily limit by calling us on 13 13 86 (during business hours) to confirm your identity and payment details.

An increase in a transaction limit may increase your liability in the case of unauthorised transactions.

Not all financial institutions will offer Osko Payments.

When making a payment to a BSB and account number, we do our best to verify whether the payee’s bank accepts Osko and let you know before you make the payment.

If the Osko Payment can’t be delivered we’ll notify you via Secure Mail in online banking and send you an SMS.

When paying to a PayID, we verify whether the PayID is registered and display the payee’s PayID Name.

You just need to check the name is correct for the person you’re paying to.

Osko Payments are secure and will undergo extra transaction monitoring by our fraud detection system.

To ensure your money is safe, we may hold Osko Payments for up to 24 hours if further authentication is required.

There may be a number of reasons why an Osko Payment has failed. These could be:

  • The BSB or account number used may be incorrect
  • The payee’s account or financial institution may not accept Osko Payments
  • The PayID may be incorrect
  • There may be an issue with the system

After double checking the payee details, and verifying your payee is setup to receive Osko payments, if your Osko Payment still fails, our contact centre may be able to help on 13 13 86.

This is likely due to the fact that the payee’s financial institution isn’t enabled or certified to receive Osko Payments.

Verify this with your payee, and if the option to make an Osko Payment is continually disabled in error, give our contact centre a call on 13 13 86.

Alternatively, if your payee’s financial institution isn’t set up to receive Osko payments, you can still complete a payment using BSB and Account Number within online banking.

By entering an email address or mobile number in Greater Bank’s online banking for use as a PayID, your customer contact details are not also updated.

If you wish to change the contact mobile number or email address that we have on file, you’ll need to notify us via secure mail within online banking, give us a call on 13 13 86 or visit your nearest branch.

Similarly, when you update your contact mobile number or email address with Greater Bank, your PayIDs are not automatically updated.

You will need to close your old PayIDs and register new ones if you no longer have your mobile number or email address.

No. PayIDs can only be used to receive payments via the NPP.

They cannot be used to withdraw money from accounts and can only be used for Australian domestic NPP payments.

The NPP was setup to allow for all payments to be processed between financial institutions within 15 seconds in most cases, although there will be times when this does not occur.

All transactions will be monitored to make sure that payments made by and to Greater Bank customers are providing the best customer experience possible.

Using a PayID, if you’ve attempted to pay someone whose account details (BSB and Account Number) you’ve previously saved in online banking, you may receive a ‘One Time Password’.

This measure is in place as the attempt to transfer funds to your payee using the new method of PayID constitutes a new payee within online banking.

This is simply an added security measure and is not cause for alarm.

Osko Payments are an additional service to BPAY.

Osko provides a faster way to pay. It is essentially a person-to-person payment service.

BPAY Payments is a consumer-to-organisation bill payment service.

With consumers fast embracing digital technology, the Australian banking industry has developed the NPP to help consumers, businesses and government make faster, simpler and smarter payments.   

The NPP has four key features:

  • You can now make real-time payments to all participating banks
  • You can make payments to mobile numbers, email addresses and ABNs - pay your friends instantly when splitting bills without remembering a BSB and account number
  • You're able to send payment descriptions of up to 280 characters, including emojis ☺️
  • You can create your own unique ID (PayID) and link your mobile, email or ABN to your Greater Bank account

BPAY created Osko to make payments simple for everyone.

The name Osko was developed to reflect how simple and easy it is to make payments.

Financial hardship


Assistance is determined on an individual basis.  This may be for a short, medium or longer period of time depending on your circumstances.

Examples of options that may be available are:

  • Using advance funds on a loan (if available) to take a ‘repayment holiday’
  • Converting to Interest only
  • Payment arrangement
  • Deferring or reducing repayments for an agreed period of time

Greater Bank may require you to complete a Statement of Financial Position and include supporting evidence such as proof of income and expenditure, bank statements or medical information.

The Collections officer will provide you with the information that is required.

Once we are aware of your financial difficulty we will suspend collections activity whilst we are assessing your situation.

If we agree to provide you with hardship assistance and you comply with the terms of the arrangement, there will be no collections activity during the approved assistance period.

Yes, with a signed Third Party authority we can discuss and negotiate a solution with your nominated representative.

In addition, we also would encourage you to seek advice from a Financial Counsellor as they are qualified and experienced to assist those in financial difficulty.

If you are not satisfied with our response, you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers. 

If your complaint is about your privacy or how we handle your Consumer Data Right (CDR data), you can also contact the Office of Australian Information Commissioner:

Deceased estates


  • The original or a certified copy of the Death Certificate
  • If you are noted as an Executor of the Will, the original or a certified copy of the Will or Grant of Probate ( if applicable)
  • If you are an Administrator of the Estate, the original or a certified copy of the Letters of Administration.
  • Your identification eg a current drivers licence, NSW photo card or passport.

We may request further documentation outside of this, should we require it.


For further information on this process:

If the account value is under $15,000, please contact Greater Bank on 13 13 86 or visit your nearest branch.

If the account value is over $15,000, please contact our Deceased Estates Team on 02 4927 4422 or email

If unsure of account value, please contact our Deceased Estates Team.

  • The Funeral Account can be drawn from the estate when an invoice for the funeral is produced.
  • Greater Bank will release funds to pay the filing fees for the application of Probate or Letters of Administration. Cheques will be made payable to the Supreme Court (of the appropriate state)

For further information on this process, please contact Greater Bank on 13 13 86, via email at or in your nearest branch.

Keeping your accounts secure


  • Do not disclose your PIN (Personal Identification Number), password or confidential details to anyone.
  • Do not disclose your personal or account information over the phone unless you initiated the call.
  • Memorise your PIN. Do not keep it with your card.
  • Report lost or stolen cards, chequebooks or passbooks to Greater Bank immediately on 13 13 86.
  • Always check your statements and report any unauthorised transactions to Greater Bank immediately on 13 13 86.
  • Tell us as soon as possible when you change your address.


  • Ensure that your computer has the latest anti-virus, anti-spy ware software and security patches for its operating system. Update your PC security on a monthly basis.
  • Make sure you destroy or shred correspondence containing personal information.
  • Lock away items that reveal personal details, particularly in share accommodation. Don't unnecessarily carry ID documents such as your passport or birth certificate.
  • Lock your letterbox to help avoid your mail being stolen to obtain your personal details.
  • Read your account statements, mail and bills and look for any irregular activity.
  • Regularly review your credit file to ensure that the information is correct. Ongoing monitoring services may be obtained from credit reporting agencies. Check with them for availability and cost.
  • If you believe you are a victim of identity theft, notify us immediately on 13 13 86 and any other credit providers/financial institutions, police, utility providers and credit reporting agencies. Notify the three main credit reporting agencies, Equifax (formerly VEDA 13 83 32), Illion (formerly Dun & Bradstreet Credit Bureau 13 23 33) or Experian (1300 783 684) and report the possible theft and misuse of your identity to them. Request a copy of your credit file from both agencies and review for fraudulent activity such as payment defaults that you have not incurred, or credit enquiries relating to fraudulent credit applications. Obtain the report again a few months later to further check entries against fraud. Request any information on the file relating to fraud be removed. 

There are many ways credit/debit card fraudsters can take over your accounts.

  • Computer viruses can identify and extract your card details from your PC allowing offenders to shop online with your card details.
  • When your card is used in a skimming device. Skimmers can be fitted to ATMs or Point of Sale devices at any location around the world.
  • Cards can be intercepted in transit whilst being sent to you.
  • When your card is lost or stolen and used by a third party to purchase goods.
  • If a card has been skimmed, offenders may be able to make counterfeits of that card and perform transactions on your account, including withdrawing cash at ATMs.
  • Cover your Personal Identification Number (PIN) when entering it at any ATM.
  • Memorise your Personal Identification Number (PIN). Don't use the same PIN for all your cards, and don't choose your date of birth or other easily identifiable number that might be on something else in your wallet or purse.
  • Check statements and call us if you see anything suspicious.
  • Do not let your credit/debit cards out of your sight at any time. At a restaurant, go with the card.
  • Be even more vigilant when travelling overseas-credit card skimming is an international crime.
  • Always sign your cards in ink as soon as you receive them.
  • Keep track of when new and reissued cards should arrive, and call us if they don't come on time.
  • Make sure your mailbox is secure, and that only you or authorised people have access to it.
  • Tear up all credit card receipts and pre-approved card offers into small pieces or shred them before you throw them away. Keep your billing statements in a safe place.
  • When you use your cards online, make sure you are using a secure website. Look for a small key or lock symbol at the bottom right of your browser’s window.
  • Never give your card number to strangers or telemarketers. Don't give your card number unless you initiated the call.
  • When using contactless cards as with VISA payWave, always remove your card from your wallet before placing against the contactless merchant terminal, and ensure you approve the transaction amount before you present your card.
  • Using contactless cards as with VISA payWave for purchases under $100 can reduce the risk of fraud as the card never leaves your hand during the transaction.

If your card is lost or stolen call Greater Bank on 13 13 86 (call 1300 731 144 outside of business hours). If a Visa card is lost or stolen outside Australia contact the Visa Global Customer Assistance Service (GCAS) pertaining to that country. Visa can generally issue an emergency replacement card within 24 hours.

  • Examine the machine for attachments or evidence of tampering before you insert your card and cover the keypad with your hand when entering your PIN.
  • Be discreet when withdrawing cash at an ATM.
  • If you believe an ATM has been tampered with, DO NOT use it. Advise the nearest Greater Bank branch or call us on 13 13 86.
  • Keep your chequebook in a safe and secure place.
  • Never pre-sign cheques or withdrawal forms.
  • When mailing cheques, cross the cheque 'Not Negotiable' and, where possible, send it in a plain envelope, not a window-faced envelope.
  • Do not use pencil to write your cheques. Use a ballpoint or felt tip pen.
  • If your cheques are lost or stolen call us immediately on 13 13 86.
  • Ensure you have up-to-date anti-virus and personal firewall software installed.
  • Never follow links or open attachments that arrive in unsolicited emails.
  • Take extra care when using a computer in public places and internet cafes. Do not respond if you are prompted to save log-on details.
  • Protect all access methods*. Do not disclose your PIN or personal information to other people.
  • Change your access code frequently and use access codes that are hard to guess.
  • Do not accept links or redirections from other websites or email for the purpose of logging on to online banking.
  • Look for the SSL encrypted connection, indicated as https:// and a padlock. Greater Bank's web details will be listed in the 'issued to' section of the digital certificate.
  • Greater Bank will NEVER email you requesting you confirm your log-on details. If you receive such an email please contact us immediately.
  • Greater Bank will NEVER prompt you to enter your 'card' or 'account number' details. If you are prompted to enter such details please contact us immediately.
  • Always log out when you have finished with online banking.
  • Do not download any shared files or files from websites you do not trust.
  • Ensure you have the right account information of a person you're trying to pay before confirming payment.

* Access method means any method we make available to users in order for users to give us authority to act on an instruction when using electronic equipment (including computer and telephone) to debit or credit an EFT account. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.

Digital Data Aggregation (DDA) refers to the process of collecting, consolidating, and integrating financial data from multiple sources, including banks, into a centralised database. The method of DDA is where software is used to extract data from websites and other digital resources.

Be aware that if you choose to share your login details and password with a 3rd party DDA service, you may be held liable for loss to your accounts as detailed in our Banking General Terms and Conditions. Should you experience any service issues with a 3rd party provider, you'll need to contact them directly.

Always be alert to scams. If an offer seems too good to be true it usually is too good to be true.

  • Be aware of scams, such as spam emails, chain letters and people claiming to be representatives of government departments, financial institutions or other businesses.
  • Do not give your name, bank account details, copies of your passport, birth certificate or any other personal details to anyone other than for legitimate purposes.
  • Be suspicious of any emails, letters or phone calls you receive from Australia or overseas saying you have won a prize or asking you to forward sums of money in return for more money.
  • Customers should also be alert to sophisticated investment scams designed to take their retirement savings. Well-organised criminals claiming to be investment brokers generally make contact with victims by phone.
  • For the most up to date information on the latest internet-based scams click here.

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Call us Monday to Friday
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Saturday 8:00am to 1:00pm (AEST/AEDT)

Call 13 13 86

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PayID is a registered trademark of NPP Australia Limited. Osko by BPAY and BPAY are registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518. You should review the relevant payment facility terms and conditions available on our website before deciding whether a service is appropriate for your personal circumstances.